Lady Krystylle Richardson is an entrepreneur who was born in Flint Michigan, a wealth innovation strategist, and an ordained minister. She’s teaching people and corporations how they can have at least ten sustainable and substantial streams of income, which is called Element 10, and creativity to cash flow.
She is also the author of The 51 Powerful Ps of Public Speaking. Lady Krystylle wrote this book to give the reader insight and wisdom, not just opinion. It also helps to work through the fears and frustrations based on real techniques that worked based on the people she has interviewed and heard speak.
She went from a rough journey to realigning herself. Lady Krystylle talks about the impact of wealth and teaches people how to reimagine and re-image themselves with what they need in this life, and it’s not all about money. It’s about having where they have abundance in their life, not all about money.
In this episode:
- Lady Krystylle and Joseph talk about their upbringing and their journey in childhood of getting bullied that led them to where they are today.
- Lady Krystylle and Joseph discuss why people get stuck.
- Know the definition of FEAR “Fresh, Energy, Awaiting, Reset” by Lady Krystylle Richardson.
- Learn how resetting our mind can relate to abundance.
- Lady Krystylle’s tips for self-acceptance.
- Introducing Lady Krystylle’s book The 51 Powerful Ps of Public Speaking.
Key Takeaways:
- Once we accept ourselves, it doesn’t matter who accepts us. We have that confidence.
- We have to have our do list, our stop list. And the stop list, once you put it in eviction, you can’t go back there.
- Once we know who we are and accept who we are, then the possibilities are endless.
- Regardless of whether your belief system is spiritual or not, you’re still a powerful individual and a genius. You are creative.
- We have to be who we are, and we have to be honest with ourselves and accept ourselves. And then just let God do the rest.
Tweetable moments:
1. “Your voice should be heard. You shouldn’t be silenced in any part of your life.”
2. “Creativity breeds creativity.”
3. “Speak the negative things out there because it loses its power.”
Connect with Lady Krystylle Richardson:
Connect with Joseph James:
Joseph: Hello. Well everyone, and welcome to another great show of Purpose Through Pain Podcast. I am your host, Joseph James. We have an amazing guest, a friend of mine, Lady Krystylle Richardson, on our show this morning. She is a fireball, and you guys are gonna get to know her over the next hour. Her legacy is no legacy, unreached, her mission is no legacy, unreached, and her life's purpose is to play a part in the lives of at least 1 billion people to re-image and live a life aligned with abundance, fueled by innovation and creativity as a medalist lifestyle. Lady Krystylle, thank you so much and welcome to the show.
Krystylle: Hey, thank you so much, I really appreciate being able to be here. I always consider it an honor when people ask me to be on their show, so thank you.
Joseph: Yes, ma'am. So tell our audience a little bit about you. What do you do? ‘cause you just got it going on.
not sure back, I was born in:Joseph: Yeah. And abundance can mean so many different things.
Krystylle: Right, right. Yeah. Avenues. So, before you had that no more experience, okay. You know, your parents on one side, your parents were saying you can do anything, you can be anybody that you wanted to be, and you believed it, you were living it, but what was it about, were you getting bullied at all from your parents or was it more from outside people? I know we all get bullied in school and of course, even when I was in school and I was born in 78, so not quite as back as you are, but I was still being bullied, but we didn't even call it bullied. We didn't even call it that, like I don't even remember hearing the term bully until I was probably in high school and I'm like, no, we just have gang fights and stuff like that, we just, you know, you get picked on, that's what we called it, you get picked on, you know, picked on, what was it, who were the ones that were bullying you and why do you feel like it went all the way into your 50’s? Yeah, it was a certain personality type, and I'm not gonna go into exactly what that is, because some people already know, you know, that are a part of my life, you know, what, what that was and what happened but it wasn't all through every single part of my life, it was just that one specific personality type that I allowed to carry through, all of those portions of my life. So no, it was not my parents, it was not my, my brother, like my brother, he's four years older than me, I was a tomboy, you know, is what they called it back then, and we would play football, climb trees, climb up on top of the house, rake the leaves together and like jump off the house into the leaves, like I could have broke my neck with all the different things that we were doing, fishing and ice fishing and hunting and all the different things that we did up in Michigan and in the UP, as they call it, and in Canada we did a lot of camping and, and my brother and I, we were on motorcycle, like we were always doing stuff outside and we were always building things, making our own go-karts, we were back there, they didn't call it kid, but we had like, you know, 45 jobs, we had paper route, we would cut rose bushes, we would shovel the snow, we would rake leave, we were making money, we were making money as as children, okay. And then even in college, I had a resume business and cover letter business ‘cause I was, at that time I had a high school co-op job in my business class, and then when I decided I didn't wanna go into business and went into engineering, I was able to stay at the same company, which was General Motors and switch from business to engineerin, and then I was in General Motors through college and the last year of college, Ford offered me a bigger scholarship. So I hopped over to Ford for my last year and ‘cause my degree is in engineering. And so, no, it was not my home life at all, it was kids in school who basically were jealous of various things that were going on, maybe they didn't have a good home life or they were jealous of my hair or they answers or you, putting food in my hair or pushing me down and doing d you know, in the snow, and like, it was just like all different things that would happen because of some, something that was going on in school, but then as an adult, again, I say it was a specific personality type, and I do feel, you know, sometimes people don't make it through, sometimes people actually commit suicide and I do have a suicide initiative, because I know how it feels, and then other people they take, you know, they have where it manifests in other ways, but I really feel when we say that we've been bullied or anything like this, it's something that we allow, it's that we are allowing it in our life and to a certain extent. And so I help people to understand how you can get over those blockages and you can evict them because being bullied is the same as some of the other things that a lot of us go through, and so based on that, we all have different things that we need to evict so that we can open up abundance in our life. And so that's a part of the mindset process that I go through and helping people to really, really actually find their purpose, I'm, like I said, I'm 58, there's people that I work with that are younger, that are older, that still don't know their purpose, and so using that pain, using various things that have happened in life and whether you've been fired, whether you've been molested, whether you, you know, you've had, where you've been divorced or you've had a car accident and you feel like we all have different things that that may have happened, but how do you use the power behind that and to turn it into your passion and just add it onto your list of the various stories that you can tell people to help uplift them too, so my one particular one is related to bullying. I've also had health issues like, you know, we all have different things that we go through that we can use that and have it fuel our purpose.
Joseph: Absolutely, absolutely. Why do you think people get stuck in, let's just call it the pain, regardless if it's from the bullying, regardless from a traumatic incident. Why do you feel that people get stuck and just, you know, I don't necessarily say the victim, but some people just don't know what direction to turn. They don't know how to get out of what they're in, maybe it is a relationship where they do feel stuck, they're married or they don't feel like they can get out of it, but mentally, ‘cause it has to start there, the change has to start there, the willingness to get out. Why do you feel that people get stuck?
Krystylle: Well, that's a power packed question. It's pretty loaded. I'll try to unfold it, you know, a little by little onion, you know, the onion down a little bit ‘cause I have like a lot to say about it. So I'll see if I can say it within, I don't know how many ever minutes. But, so there's a couple of different things and if anyone's listening wants to write this down, I might have to write it down too, to make sure that I get to all the points. So, you know, why do people get stuck? So the first thing has to do with reaction versus response, the next thing has to do with our definition and our use of fear, and then the next thing has to do with how we view ourselves. So response versus reaction, our definition, definition of fear and how we view ourselves. So I'm gonna try to make sure that I remember all those I see you writing too, but yeah. So we'll go into that. So my husband and I, he's an amazing, amazing gentleman, we've been married for over 30 years and he's an amazing speaker too, I think you actually met him and but we didn't get to hear him speak but when he teaches, he teaches bible study on Tuesday nights and on Sunday mornings, and one thing that he said like a while ago, I don't know if it was like a year ago or what, but it really stuck to me, and so I've stolen it and I've taken it, and I taught it in my own way as well, which is the response versus reaction. So some people get stuck and stay stuck because of that. We, a lot of times have not come up with ways and mechanisms to understand how to respond to situations, and therefore we react in a way that does not serve us well, so based on that, part of it has to do with something that I teach A, B, C D, E technique where if we take too much time reacting, it can turn into seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, where we're still reacting over and over and over again based on something that happened as opposed to stepping out of that, having techniques in our life where we can breathe, we can evaluate, we can focus, and not have, where we allow whatever it is that has happened to take over our lives. So a lot of people are stuck because they keep repeating, they keep repeating and hitting that record button and playing it over and over and over again, and it affects your, it affects our health, it affects our relationships with other people, it affects, what we can do on a daily basis related to our job or what, whether we're an entrepreneur, if we're on the left or right side of the cash quadrant, it affects our money situation, our ability to have where wealth comes to us and abundance comes to us in various ways because we're too busy living in the past, and I wasn't actually planning on using this, but this was sitting, is sitting here, it says, let's see if you can see. It says, don't look back. We're not going that way, so of course you do need to use your past to have where you understand what happens so that you don't allow those certain patterns to happen in your life again, remember I said no more. I have to know what those no more moments are. So when you look at response versus reaction, a lot of it has to do with our understanding of our personality type ‘casue you heard me say that at the very beginning of the show and other people's personality type. So once you get into the psychology and the sociology and understand like whichever kind of indeseated you want to use, there's lots of indexes out there. Once you understand that everybody has like initials over their head, everybody has like, you're sitting there listening and you know exactly what kind of personality type you're dealing with and then you know how to respond and how to based on the situation and based on their personality type, there's something that I teach called, situational leadership, and you may have heard that and I really love that. I love all these different techniques that we have, that we can utilize to help us understand the situation, understand, okay, this is, you know, a person who I need to respond to this way, or I need to just wait and just have good listening skills, a lot of us don't have good listening skills, you know, nowadays and then understand how to respond, but dwelling in the past, we're not going that way, so response versus reaction, that's like a whole thing that I can talk about for like hours, but I won't. And the next thing is fear. Our definition of fear. So you've heard false evidence appearing real and like all these different things. And so in my life, and this is on, it's on Amazon Prime. I was on the speak up and some other things that I've used this and a lot of people have said, thank you for, for sharing this with them, and so hopefully somebody in your audience, even if it's just one person who gets something out of this, that would bring joy to me, so our definition of fear, we all should have our own, and if you don't have your own, you can use, and I call F E A R, FEAR- Fresh Energy Awaiting Reset. And I'm gonna say that again, Fresh Energy Awaiting Reset. So when we talk about mindset, when we talk about using our pain and turning it into purpose, response versus reaction and fear, a lot of times we don't do things, we're stuck up there based on your question because of, because it's of the, you know, the fear of the unknown, the fear of getting out of our comfort zone, the fear of what are they going to say about me? You know, Napoleon Hill talks about, you know, all the different fears and I love, I love, love, love him, and love Don Green and Satit Verma and all those that are part of Think Can Grow Rich in Napoleon Hill Foundation. And so fresh energy awaiting reset we have where dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, you know, we have all these different things that are going, cortisol, all these things that are going on inside of us, right? And so when something happens, we can say, oh my gosh, can't believe that happened, oh, I'm so scared, I'm so fearful, and like, your heart is beating, like you're sweating, you're like, oh my gosh but you can also have where all of that is still happen, and you say to yourself, oh my gosh, I can't believe this is happening, oh, I'm sweating, I'm perspiring, my heart is beating, but this is so exciting because I can do this with it as opposed to this with it I can control it and however I use it, as opposed to it using me and taking me over. So the whole fear topic, like I said, is another thing that I could talk about for days too. But one of the things that I did when I turned 57 to get over some of my fears, and with a lot of people, they know me as the gemologist, you know, we jump into our greatness and I actually have my own theme song when I come on the stage. Jump into your greatness, let's go jump into your greatness, let's go. I have a rapper who does like all my different songs, but I can't say that I'm a gemologist and I can't talk about fear and then I have this one thing that has caused me to have fear for so long, which was like fear of heights and like jumping. So I'm like, okay, I'm turning 57. I'm gonna go jump out of a plane, I'm like, no, I'm not, yes I am, no I'm not. Yes, I, so the video that shows when I'm being introduced, it shows me jumping out the plane and you can actually read my lips ‘cause I'm up there. I'm like, oh my God, I did, I jump. And so by doing that, which was just two birthdays ago, when I turned age 50, I said no more, when I turned 57, I jumped out of a plane. So it's like, oh, there's no stopping me now, there's no stopping me now.
Joseph: .Your birthday party, because I, who knows what's gonna happen.
Krystylle: Fear is like, it doesn't have any control over me in certain instances. And so, of course, you know, we still have some different things that we're fearful of, but that really helped, which I thought I was gonna, thought I was gonna die, but I actually did it, I actually did it. So the last thing I said was what?
Joseph: You said how we view ourselves.
Krystylle: How we view ourselves, yes. Some of us take ourselves way too serious. We just take ourselves way too serious, and I'm really, really serious, and I'm really, really silly too. And I'm really competitive, and my husband said he prayed for a wife that was not lazy, and he's like, but I didn't know I was gonna have a wife that like, you know, 17, 18 jobs, you know, ‘cause I'm always doing, God has given me so much. And I say to people, you know, some people stood in one line, you know, in heaven when they were a baby, like, okay, you're gonna come out and you're gonna have this main thing that you can do with excellence, but I went and stood in all the lines. To be able to impact people in various different ways, but even though I kid about that, the one thing that, it's all related to innovation, so anything that you hear and see about me, it's helping to expand people's minds related to innovation. I just do it in various different ways and help people do it in various different ways, but it's to be the best version of themselves related to what we can create, what we can imagine, and what we can do in the world to manifest a life of abundance.
Joseph: Yeah. Yeah. That's amazing. I mean, you know, when you look at those kind of, and I've got the list right here, reaction versus response, the use of fear, the definition of fear, and then of course how we view ourself it's amazing how one thing is tied to another. The way we view ourself is based off of the fear that we've had in certain circumstances. The way, you know, for a long time, because of my dad saying things were never good enough, you get, you know, that's not good enough. I viewed myself of somebody that was never good enough, so it went from, I was never good enough to, I never looked good enough to, I'll never make enough to, I'll never be the right person, you know, all those different things and a lot of it, you know, it went back to is, you know, how I viewed the fear, but then also the reacting versus the response, you know, is, and I learned that I had a certain reaction to my dad saying those words. And over a period of time, that reaction became almost the foundation of how I would walk for 40 plus years of my life, ‘casue it wasn't until I was in my 40s, you know, my early forties, and I'm only 44. So it wasn't that long ago, about two and a half, three years ago, you know, where I started realizing, these are the things that had power over me, you know, it wasn't just a physical bullying ‘cause I haven't been physically bullied in, in quite a while, you know, but the verbal abuse, the verbal bully, you know.
Krystylle: Right, and that was for me, yeah. Cause at age 50 in my, I wasn't getting pushed around like physically. That would've been a totally different story, but yeah, it's what you allow into your life and, and how you allow it to stay and just discernment in your mind, right. Permit.
rd,:Krystylle: It's there, it's fresh.
Joseph: I know you've already given us permission to use that.
Krystylle: Use it, use it, use it, use it, use it, use it. Yeah, because it's the same energy. It's the same energy, and in, you know, some of the books in Napoleon Hill, he talks about sexual transmutation, yeah. So, you know, it's the same energy and you can get excited and you can, you just use it in a different way, it's there awaiting for you to reset it to be excited. And you know what, sometimes we just have to acknowledge it. There's a lady, she's a, I don't know, eight, nine figure earner. And she got on the stage and her, you know, she was just all nervous, of which I get nervous too, we all get nervous and I've had shaky voice, but she, you know, she talked about it and you know, by time the interview was over she was, you know, she was fine or as it progressed, you know, she was fine, but she acknowledged it, and that's part of what I do too, like if something's happening or if I'm on stage or if I'm about to pass out, and I do have a book, coming out. We'll talk about that later, The 51 Powerful Ps Of Public Speaking, but not just on stage, but if, you know, if there's something going on, like jumping outta plane and I'm about to pass out or if this is about to happen, I'm thinking I'm gonna pass, I was like, there's a lot of passing out potentials going on here, that flip it, reset it, acknowledge it, a lot of people have the same things going on in their life. So just say, you know what? I am so nervous right now, like, okay, everybody, I, I need to do, I need to shake out everybody, get up and shake out with me, and okay, let's give ourselves a round of applause, all right, let's go on, okay, now, you know, now we're gonna do this. So just acknowledge it and for some people like, wow, I really needed that too, because I needed to have various techniques to cope with whatever it is. Some people, it's just even walking out of their door, some people have fear and it's not about a lot of what we think, you know, people have fears of, we're talking about something we consider big, for some people walking out of their door, they have fear.
Joseph: A hundred percent.
Krystylle: Getting on the highway, they have fear, yeah. Like all different kind of things, yeah.
Joseph: And when you talk about the reset, it's neat to hear it because like when you start resetting the aspect of what you're fearful about, okay, then the way you view yourself starts changing, but then the way you react starts changing, and that's what I love so much about this because it ultimately is that reset, you know, for some people maybe psyching themself up to go jump out of the plane, other people's just like, I may need the physical help, I may to get it outta the door. I know a friend, his daughter suffers with a lot of phobias and it's a phobia of getting sick, so she won't leave her room, she will not leave her bedroom, you know, they have to and even being alone and I thank God I've been able to help her in a lot of things and really speak life into her, but it's the fear, and because of that, it's got her so bound and so constricted, and ultimately what she needs is she needs that reset. So, Krystylle, talk about how resetting our mind can relate to abundance.
Krystylle: Yeah. And some people going into abundance, talking about abundance and talking about wealth and even generational wealth and how we can break that cycle in our children and in our families. To reset, first you need to go through the process of evaluation, eviction, and then you can have the elevation. Evaluation eviction, so that you can have the elevation. So, resetting something that you don't even know what's going on, like how, how can you reset? Like it is like a, you know, the smart button or the, or easy button or the reset button, but from what to what? So when you say the from what to what, you do have to go through that evaluation period, and so we all come up with techniques and steps and whatnot based on our life and that two and a half year period, when I said no more from age 50, I had to go through an evaluation process. Now your evaluation process, maybe two hours, two days, two months, you know, mine was like a two and a half year journey and getting up and walking around and being in my car and turning on the music and going down the highway, right? You know, and praying and up in a plane with my earphones on and I'm singing and I'm looking out at the clouds, cause when I'm up there I'm like closer to God and I'm boohooing and I'm doing choreography, I teach dance too. I'm like doing choreography, I'm try and like the person next to me on the plane, a lot of times they're probably like, what the heck? We need to call the paramedics or something, she's having convulsions, more tissue, more tissue please, more water, more tissue. And so I would just have her you have to go through that process. So when we talk about abundance, when we talk about reset, Joseph, like you have to know from what to what. So for me, it took two and a half years. Everybody has to go and do their time frame and so that evaluation is key, learning about these personality types, learning who you are, who is in your circle, there's something called a 360 where you have people that you are helping, there's people that are on your same level, you know your peers, there's people that you look up to, there's people that are mentors, there's people that don't know you, they're not a personal mentor, but you listen to them maybe on a podcast, but there's other people that you can touch and feel because they're coaches and mentors and things like that. So this whole 360, who is in your 360? So that is a part of the evaluation as well, there's a whole set of things that we do and thing I call a vision room that I do at the end of the year and other times in the year if people wanted to, to understand the vision for their lives. So that evaluation period and then the eviction. We have to know what we're going to say yes to, but we're gonna say no to and what we're gonna straight up evict and now the word evict has a specific meaning because it's like, oh no, we're moving out of our apartment, we're packing up the boxes, the moving truck is coming, and the movers are gonna come in and they're go, that is not eviction, right? Eviction is a harsh word and we need to be like that in a, when you get evicted, which I've never been evicted, but when you get evicted, your stuff is thrown out, like it's not, ‘cause there's no negotiation, there's no movers, it's out in the street and if it's packed, it's packed. If it's not, it's not, and then there's a sign put on the door and you cannot go back in. We have to have, where we have our do list and our stop list and the stop list, once you put it in eviction, you can't go back there that sign that. I don't even know why this is sitting over here, but yeah. This don't look back like we have to evict it and don't go back, put the sign on the door. Never go back and then the elevation comes because there's now where we're free. Don't evict and leave a hole and don't put something in there that is positive, something in there that can help us to grow. So I have where the people that I coach, I'm like, you always need to be in some kind of learning process. I was just talking to a lady a couple days ago that we're going to be talking the, um, I think the Friday after Thanksgiving and I said, okay, so when we have this talk, you know, I need you to also have where you, we haven't even decided. She hasn't decided, we have not decided whether I'll be working with her or not, because I don't necessarily take on a lot of personal clients, at all. Got like a lot of other things going on, and I do coach people from time to time, but I don't have or need coaching clients, I have where I do other things from a business perspective, but if there's somebody that I just really see something in, I'll we will do it. And so I said, you know, you always need to be in learning mode.
ready outlined your goals for:Joseph: No, that's good, that's good. And then the last one is elevation. How do we go into going from evaluation, eviction to now that elevation? Is it by the goals? Is it by like what you were just talking about?
Krystylle: Yeah, yeah. The elevation part of it has, it relates to that and living a life where we wake up every day with gratitude and with prayer, and with having, you know, my relationship with God. I don't know everybody has different kind of relationships from a spiritual perspective, but being innovative even about that, I call it kingdom innovation, and so he gives me, he gives me anything and everything that I need and even when things don't necessarily go my way, it's okay because there's divine will and there's permissive will and if we align ourselves and not have we treat God like, you know, ask, ask, ask one, one, you're a genie, genie, genie, you know, give, give me, give me, give me, give me, then it's a matter of, please Lord, you know, let my steps today be aligned with your divine will. Yeah. And when we do that, then opportunities will come, now we have to go out and do our part, but the opportunities will come and I say this and people can take it however they wanna take it. So I'll just go ahead and say it is that, I know that you do things, you work with people and you have your business, you're saying with the dogs, and I think that's awesome and amazing, and so you may, with the various things that you do, like, oh, he's brilliant, he's this, he's that, and maybe even some people have even called you a genius, I don't know, but I get called that a lot and one time it was like two or three times in one day, I was like, babe, oh my gosh, you know, such and such in India, we were talking and he is like, that was just what you just laid out, it was amazing, you know, you're a genius, and then somebody else I was talking to and they said that, and it's not just a word, I don't think that people just like throw out there all the time, but I do have a brilliant mind, like, but we all have a brilliant mind, we just haven't tapped into our understanding of who we are, we haven't tapped into how to have the proper response and reaction, we haven't tapped into how to use fear as fresh energy waiting, reset, we haven't tapped into using gratitude to give us a totally new mindset every day. There's a lot of things we may not have tapped into. So that evaluation process, that eviction process gives us what we need to be elevated. And so there's people I operate on both the left and right side of the cash flow quadrant and for those who know what that is, great, if you don't, you can, you can look it up. But there's people all the time, you know, that are asking me to run their companies. Now, how many people have that where it's like, oh my gosh, like, I need you, you know, people are always offering me various things like that, and so if something doesn't work out, it's okay because somebody's gonna offer me something else. Somebody's gonna offer me another five figure, six figure deal, somebody's gonna offer me, you know, it is, when you are aligned, you just ooze alignment, right? And you lose abundance and so we have to have, where we have a way of giving that to other people, and that's why I'm talking about the Element 10, the creativity to cash flow because we all have creativity, we all have something in ingenious inside of us that we just need to let out, and so once you do it, the other thing that I have is creativity breeds creativity, and there's various ways for us to create the flow of money, there's various ways for us to create the flow of ideas in our business, there's various ways to create that, and once you get into that realm it hops from one area to our life to another area. I could be cooking and coming up with a creative way to make a new dish, I can be on my way to an event and come up with a creative way to have a new outfit of which I do, you know I sew and make my own jewelry and stuff like that. And, okay, I'm going out on stage. I don't wanna go out, and it's like, okay, well what song is it on YouTube? Well, yeah, but it's my song., I have my own song, like I have my ownness and my own that we all have, once you do it in one area of your life, Joseph, it just goes over to the next one and to the next one and the next one. And we all can be ingenious in our own way.
Joseph: Yeah, yeah, you know, it's your two words were no more recently mine have become I am, you know, and you heard me during, the Ultimate Speaker Competition talking about I am, because for the majority of my life, I always heard you're not, or it's not, it's not good enough, you're not good enough. And I eventually had to come to that understanding of that evaluation, I'm like, I'm not dealing with this anymore, you know, because at the end of the day, my first I am statement is I am who God says I am, that's my faith and I'm sticking to it, you know? And regardless of what people, those that are listening, regardless of where your belief system is spiritual or not spiritual, is, you know, you are a powerful individual, you are an a genius. You are creative. And I know for me, and it kind of started back for me a few years ago, was after my wife passed away, I was talking to a friend of mine and she's like, Joseph, you are handsome, you know, and I never viewed myself as somebody that was handsome. I just didn't, and now all of a sudden my wife is gone and I'm back into the, I don't wanna live, I don't wanna be single the rest of my life, you know, and I wasn't in a hurry, but it's just like, I didn't view myself as somebody that could go out there and find a new soulmate, somebody that God has for me because of all that you are not good enough, and all the rejection statements, and so I just piled one rejection statement onto a lot of different areas in my life. And so I've had to learn how to evict those things, but like you said, it's not just we're moving out, you know, it's, I'm throwing you out and I'm shutting the doors, I'm shutting the windows, and I'm not gonna open those things up, so those things creep back into my life, and the I am, there's no doubt that in your mind, there are times that the bullying probably tries to pop its rear head up every so often, you're like, no more, no more, and I'm like, I'm over here like I am, I am you know, and those things right there, the mindset with that has led to so much just open doors of I am a great speaker, I am going to be in the top 50. I am, you know, those things, and even, going back, I love the part about the evaluation because I take everything I spoke right before the speaker competition, I was speaking at an event there in Chandler and Arizona. And I told people to write down three negative things, okay, that ultimately has been spoken over them. And I said, and I want you guys to say these things out loud. Now, a lot of people avoid the negatives, they're like, oh, no, if I say it, if I talk about, I'm like, no, because here's the thing, and we talk about, you know, for, for us being in faith-based, you know, and in church is we speak things into existence, right? People say, speak it out into the atmosphere, especially if you want it to come back to you, right? And I'm like, well, I want you to speak the negative things out there because it loses its power. The difference is I'm evicting it by saying it, hey, my dad said I'm never good enough. So for me, I am more than enough, I am what God says I am, I'm created in his likeness and image. So what are all the things that can come to me because of that mindset of I am, you know, and for you it was no more, no more of this, no more of that.
Krystylle: Right, yeah. It was no more, and those were replaced with three words, and there's a movement related to that too, which is, I accept me, I accept me. And so a lot of things that I have, there's songs, there's shirts, there's all different kind of things, so like I said, I work with the, with the guy, and so I have a number of business related songs and confidence related songs, and one is related to I accept me because once we accept ourselves, it doesn't matter who accepts us, we have that confidence, and when you ooze confidence, like, okay, that's fine, and what did I learn from this? What were the lessons learned? What are the do differently? Okay, and what are the, do the sames, okay, what is God telling me in this response versus reaction? Use that time, make it shorter and shorter and shorter, where it, and I'm not saying that I don't cry, I'm not saying that I don't have fears, I'm not saying that I have, you know, I wake up every morning, and it's great and I feel like amazing about every single day, I don't, but it is where I, in certain things, I'm able to take less and less and less time with the self pity, less and less time with like, oh, well what if they think this or think that, you know, going back to the Napoleon Hill list of fears, fear of criticism is one. We have to be who we are and we have to be honest with ourselves and accept ourselves. And then just let God do the rest. Because like I said, you know, people, have, where if they allow all of those things to overtake them, then you're never going to reach the level of abundance that you can reach, you'll never be able to have where you are okay with what your definition of success is. So I really believe that there's certain words that we all should have our own specific definition for and not let anybody take that away from us and live our life just live it out loud every single day in our own way and ask for forgiveness when we need to say, I'm sorry, when we need to spread kindness where we should, which is each and every day, and that can help us from a wealth innovation strategy perspective more than, than just understanding finances.
Joseph: Yeah, yeah absolutely. I mean, abundance itself can go, I mean, mindset, wealth, health. Our relationships, it's way more than just money and even though, of course abundance has been tied to money for so many years, a lot of people hear that word and they immediately think negative because they weren't born into a rich family or they live out in the country and they have a different mentality that they live in this poverty mentality because if they think abundance is only for certain people in the world, and I've always gone to the premise, I'm like, if my God is the creator of the universe, he's the owner of cattle on a thousand hills, and he's willing to give those things to me, what much, how much more can I have that I'm not accessing just because of my own fears and limit and limitations.
no about the third quarter of:Joseph: Right. What is the best way for people, and I know we probably have talked about this and maybe there was one of these open ended questions again, how can truly, how can people truly walk in abundance in whatever area it may be in their life. What is if it's something you can leave with people, and I mean of course all these things that we've already talked about is steps in that direction, but if let's just say somebody's life is, I wouldn't say necessarily in order or not in order, but what would you say how people can even walk towards being abundant?
Krystylle: Yeah.
Joseph: I asked these huge mongoose questions that take three hours to answer, my brain works.
Krystylle: In the next four hours, in 15 minutes, I'm going to explain to you how you can walk in abundance and my new book, Walking In Abundance.
Joseph: There you go.
Krystylle: So, yeah, I mean, it has to do with all the different things that we were just talking about, but it first starts for me, with just a breathing technique and a self-reflection technique and being okay to be by yourself, whether that's quite frankly, if the only time you have to be by yourself is when you're sitting on the toilet, like, you know, wherever it is that you go into the middle of a field, if you can take up helicopter ride, plane ride, and go to the top of a mountain or if you can hike to a valley or the top of a mountain, whatever it is, I started with the toilet because that's like, most people at least have that or can use somebody else's, you can go to Joseph's and use his restroom but be by yourself. How can you gain abundance or take that first step? The first step is that self-acceptance, Joseph, and being by yourself and being okay with who you are and being okay with your flaws, but not sticking with your flaws, having where some people say, well, whoever you are is who you are, from a behavioral perspective, we all should know what our behavioral superpowers are and our behavioral profile but it all starts with accepting ourselves and having wear, no matter what happens each day, we can take that, take that lemon, that smells great and we're excited about it, or take that lemon that is something that's sour, and either way make lemonade with it, with or without sugar because just water and lemon is very good for your health. So it is where we have to take that time of self-reflection from a totality perspective, I have like seven different areas of innovation which cover all areas of life, you heard me talk about kingdom innovation, you know, financial innovation, there's various areas in our life that once we know who we are and accept who we are, then the possibilities are endless. And first we have to have to get to abundance, we have to be able to imagine it and reimagine it over and over and over again every day.
Joseph: That's good.
Krystylle: That I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am courageous, it goes back to the I’AMs. I am confident, I am beautiful, and I am who I am and I accept myself. So it starts there, and that is the evaluation stage. So how do you get there? It really does start with that evaluation stage and being okay with who you are, changing the things that you can change and the things that you can't just let it go, yeah, and only look back to have self reflection so that you can have, where you, when you're on stage or when you're with a client or if you're just one on one on a phone with a person, you can bring back those stories, I believe in writing down all the list of the different things, and that's what I did in the two and a half years, and on the plane, I'm like writing down this, this, this, this, and this. I'm like, oh, I remember that, and then being able to have it to use potentially or ball it up, throw it away, you know, set it on fire, don't set it on fire in the plane, okay, people. But do whatever you need to do at that campfire, by yourself to just throw it away and be fresh every day with your gratitude.
Joseph: Love it, love it. You mentioned a little while ago about a book that you wrote, the 51 Ps, is that right? Or 50 Ps?
Krystylle: The 51 Powerful Ps of Public Speaking, they're 51 Powerful Ps.
Joseph: Yeah. You said recently after hearing me speak, that you think I went through all 51 of them.
Krystylle: I did not say that. Did I say that?
Joseph: I have it on a testimonial. You said that you referenced something about it.
Krystylle: I did, I did, I did, yeah, I probably did. I'm just messing with you, but yeah, you really did really well. I just want to applaud you on that, and I'm probably, and other people that, you know, if you've written any kind of technique, you're always evaluating yourself and evaluating other people based on that, even though you might try not to, but I was going down the checklist of, you know, some of the various article PS and the book will be out within the next month or so, and so yeah, everyone has various things that they need to work on. And so I've outlined 51 items and then there's ways that you can put a list together no matter where you are in your speaking journey, that you can always engage more, you can always do more to maybe, you know, work on these five or these seven and for this type of speech you work on, on these three or these 10. And so, and you can be an amazing speaker making, you know, noodles and noodles of money, like lots of money doing that but you always have room to improve because if you go back to what I said, we all should be in learning mode. And so there's various ways that you can use this tool kit, if you will a 51 powerful piece to do that, and everyone doesn't want to be a public speaker on stage. This is for you to just have also communication between you and your mate, you and your neighbour or you might be doing a business deal or you might be a worker, a supervisor, a manager, and want to work on various things, and so it's can be used in any, in every area of speaking and how that translates here in the United States as well as global speaking as well.
Joseph: Yeah, and I'm glad that you said that because for those that may not or have no desire, have, don't have a desire to public speak, is just the ability to understand the power that you can speak over yourself. And that was what my big learning curve was because I had been speaking in churches for years, you now, I was speaking a lot of things into existence in my life in certain areas, I also wasn't covering other areas that I needed the most, and so, I can't wait until the book comes out because I'm definitely gonna get one, I want an autograph copy, you know, but for those that are listening, just the tool of being able to understand how to speak over yourself, because for me, when I heard the words, when somebody told me, Joseph, you are handsome, I literally had a stand in the mirror and I had to start speaking that over myself, you know? And it became, I make it as a joke, but it came to the point that I would say, you're handsome, and then it said, I would say, I'm the sexiest person, I'm the sexiest man alive, and then I'm like, you know, and I would make that joke about I'm the sexiest man alive just GQ Magazine hasn't found me yet, and that's okay, that's their fault, not mine, you know, but I had to do that as a joke to myself to get past all the seriousness that you talked about that kept me from believing that I'm a handsome individual.
Krystylle: Right, right, right. Get me from Believing that I'm a handsome, I'm a handsome individual. Yeah, and even yesterday I did live, I think it was yesterday, and I'm like pouring my heart out and I'm saying this and saying that, and I, you know, I don't know if it was like 20, 25 minutes as I hadn't done that particular type of live in a while, and so I was like, hey, everybody, and wanted to talk about what we think about. And so some people were saying the hashtag, you know, that I said on there, and some people gave some other words that I said, and then some people just responded, you are so beautiful or like, you know, you look amazing, like, but so in my mind I'm like, well, thanks, but did you, did you even listen to what I said? But then I'm like, and then I went back because the, you know, when you do a live, it depends on where it takes the clip and then the clip, I’m like, y ou know, when you come up to it, I'm just like, all like into whatever, it's not like a smile and stuff, but of course they saw it and so I looked at myself, I'm like, and do I look amazing? Really? Like I wasn't trying to look amazing, I just was trying to get this talk out, you know, about thinking, and so I had to just step back, like you said, and just accept the fact that some people said I liked Amazing.
Joseph: Yeah, absolutely. Well, excited for that book to come out, what is a great way for, I mean, you're doing anything and everything and I mean this is for those that are listening, it's, well, let's see, we started at 6:30 in the morning, central standard time, and when I had that conversation with Krystylle, she's like, well, how early can you start? And I'm thinking, well, I get up about 6:30 in the morning, okay, ‘cause I normally am in bed about midnight between…
Krystylle: Slacker, slacker.
Joseph: And I said, I take my kids to school, drop off my last one at 8:15, and then I'm at my facility, you know, my office by 8:45, so we can get started by 9 and I'm up at like four o'clock in the morning, can we start earlier? So it was so funny ‘cause I kept on telling myself last night, I'm like, I have to go to bed early, I have to go to bed early, I have to go to bed.
Krystylle: Soon as he sends me I'm cutting you off, and then he sends me a message, he's like, it's like four o'clock, five o'clock in the afternoon, he's like, okay, I'm about to go to bed now so I can get up to sleep.
Joseph: I felt like I needed to, cause I'm like, I have to get, I don't get eight hours of sleep and I'm like, I have to get like eight or 10 hours of sleep so I can wake up this early, three alarms to make sure and I did and you know, ‘cause I mean I normally will wake up around 6:30, but I had to get up early, had to, you know, I to make this face look good, you had to be handsome since you're sitting handsome, right? All the viewers out there. There's, you know, talking about that and being funny, you know, Steve Harvey talks about, you know successful people don't, sleep eight hours, you know, if you run, if you're into the stock market and you live on the west coast, you're not waking up at 8:00 AM that means the stock market's already been open for three hours. You know, and I got to thinking about that, I'm like, man, you're right, and so for me, I know we're, you know, you do stay up late ‘cause I thought when you told me that you are, you're awake at 4:00 AM you're probably going to bed by nine o'clock at night, you know, and you don't, you know, I'm always more of the one that, I stayed up really late, you know, and I would still only get three, three and a half hours of sleep because for me that was my quiet time, my quiet time was when everybody was in bed, you know, ‘cause normally, I don't know, it's something about me, maybe I need to, you know, reprogram my own thinking, I need to evaluate a evict and elevate , you know, my morning routine, because I'm like, if everybody's quiet now, it's just like, I feel like I have to tiptoe, but if I'm doing it at 10 o'clock at night, 11 o'clock at night, 12 o'clock at night, I feel like I can make whatever noise I need to make.
Krystylle: Why do you have to be noisy in what you're doing? What are you doing?
Joseph: Sometimes I'm praying and I pray loud, and I'm doing some worship music and you know, I'm singing and you know or who knows, you just never know.
Krystylle: No, you need to build yourself a room. You need to put the padding up, the soundproof padding, you need to just, you know, just work it out like be more intentional about having your soundproof room, now if something's happening in there and you're screaming, they won't be able to hear you.
Joseph: There you go.
Krystylle: You need to, then you need to have the little buzzer. See like, this is going on and on and on. Now you need to make sure you have a battery for the buzzer, you know, I've fallen in, I can't get up, but yeah, you can have the soundproof padding in your room so that you can go for it, and I do that too, like my worship, whether it's upstairs in my office or, you know, whether, but we're, we're empty nesters now, like finally, because we've always had people living with us after our daughters, we have two daughters, 27 and 29, one is just now getting back from her, like fourth or fifth World tour, she's a professional dancer and then the other, she was living in Okinawa with her husband. He was in the military, and they're back here now, and they just purchased the house, and so they live there, but we've had, what do you call them? What kind of students? Exchange students, and then we've had people that were down on their luck or whatever, we've had families living here, but, but now we're, we're like, empty, empty. But my husband's like, I don't care what noise you make, and I'm like, okay. So I'm up in there and if a good song is on, I'm, you know, my foot's going, like, you can hear the boom through the whole house, and the singing and all that too, but yeah, I can send you a donation for your padding for your room if you'd like.
Joseph: There we go, I'd love it, I'd love it. So with the rest of the family. Oh my goodness. Krystylle, what is a great way for people to get a hold of you if they're interested in your coaching or if they're interested in some of the, the things that you do, or even your book that's coming out really soon, the 51 Powerful Ps to Public Speaking. What is the best way for them to get in touch with you?
Krystylle: Yeah, so my website is my name and some people have asked, oh, how old were you when you changed your name to that spelling? It's beautiful. I'm like, well, my parents were pretty creative as well, my mom. So no, I didn't change my name to that, that was how it was spelled. So it's and it's, K R Y S T Y L L E Richardson, R I C H A R D S O N .com. Krystylle Richardson, and they can see everything on there. There's actually a book coming out today, can I show that book too?
Joseph: Yeah, absolutely.
Krystylle: We're having a book, we're having a book launch today. It's called Mom Magic. I don't know if you can see the, oh, you can see it, mom Magic, and it's about entrepreneurs and the different things that we've gone through in our life. And so my chapter is celebrating the innovative person called Mom, and again, related to innovation. And, ‘cause as moms, as dads too, not that he gets to dads, but you know, we have, where we have a lot of different things that we do on a daily basis to pour into our children and to make the lives of our children better, and those same principles can be utilized in business too, so that we can monetize them so that's what I talk about in that book, so we're having a book launch party at mine is here and then there's one in Pennsylvania, there's one in California and one someplace else that the mothers are all over the country, and so this is one of our big book launch days. So it's already number one in like, I think seven different countries, and so now we're going number one, Amazon bestseller. Now we're going for New York Time bestseller for that one.
Joseph: Oh, love it, love it.
Krystylle: So and then my book, the other book is the 51 Powerful Ps of Public Speaking is coming out in the next month or so, we're hoping for some greatness with that too. And I have a number of books on Amazon that people can get, but I'd love to engage with whomever related to innovation, if anyone has any questions related to them personally or their business, if they're a corporation, I work with corporations, I work with doctors, various people that have inventions, you know, that you work in your practice each and every day using other people's instrumentation. And then you come up with, you know what, if I had a device that did this would make my life and everyone else's life that is in this particular area way easier. And then you come to find out that particular device could not just be used in your practice or your area of medicine, but in 2, 3, 4, or 5 other ones depending on how we put it together, so I just love what I do to help people in business as well as doctors and even entrepreneurs to understand how they can innovate and monetize and pass that down to their children.
Joseph: Yes. Love it, love it, love it, love it. Well, lady Krystylle, Lady Krystylle Richardson, thank you so much for coming on the show. It's such a, been, such a pleasure and an honor, glad we finally, we're not able to just put this together, but finally be in the same room and, you know, get to spend some time with each other, you know, last event, ‘cause I know I've Emceed for you and you've been at different events and we're always, one is coming and one is going kind of thing. So we were able to spend that time together, so I'm extremely grateful and honor that you were able to be on the show.
Krystylle: I appreciate it, like I said, I always consider it an honor because we all have different things inside of us, and if someone wants to hear some of it come out, that's really awesome and amazing. So thank you.
Joseph: Yes, Absolutely. Well, guys, you don't hesitate to reach out to Krystylle. And thank you guys so much for listening for those that are or even watching the videos reach out to Krystylle and see how she can help you become more abundant in so many areas of your life, because you can either be saying no more or I am or all of the above. We love you guys. Thank y'all.